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Note: Currently, this item is available only to customers located in the United States.
Download size: 320.88 MB
Download time: 51 seconds on broadband, 13 hours, 2 minutes, 20 seconds on dial-up
Platform:3 seats
Edition: Mac [Download]
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Capture One is the industry leading image editing software that provides the very best tools to shoot tethered, organizing your image collection and making state of the art image adjustments to the RAW files from your camera.
Capture One offers fast performance with high resolution files and have a range of advanced tools that makes it simple, fast and effective to manage a large image collection from import and capture to export.
Capture One delivers best-of-class tools for precise color adjustments and excellent features to do selective edits to a specific part of your image. It provides all the tools needed to take full advantage of all the information in your RAW files.
Capture One is known for its exceptional handling of color, and with our custom camera profiling, each of your RAW file shines straight from the camera. Capture One now supports more than 400 digital camera models.
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